Design book-review podcasts

by | Thursday, October 12, 2017

I am teaching a new masters/doctoral seminar titled Design in the real world. This is the first class I am teaching here after coming to ASU and it is exciting to back in with students engaged in discussions about design, technology, and its role in our lives as educators. More info about the class can be found here. What I want to share below are three podcasts created by the participants in the class. The task was to review a book around design. Below are the three books and the audio files. Enjoy.

The Design Way by Taylor Kessner

How Designers Think by Christiana Bruchok & Kevin Close

Taking Design Thinking to School by Ye (Cherry) Chen & Wendy Wakefield

A few randomly selected blog posts…

12 Days of Christmas, the desi version

I love mongrel culture the mashing and creative remixing elements from different cultures and traditions to construct something new and, hopefully, wonderful. A great example is something my daughter, Shreya, showed me the other day. It is the 12 Days of Christmas...

TPACK Ambigram

I have been wanting to create a TPACK ambigram for a while now... what would be better than combining my two greatest loves - technology integration in teaching WITH ambigrams! Finally after some subtle prodding by Matt Koehler I have finally done so. This is a...

Design related videos

Just a link to online videos related to design. Check it out by clicking here Relevant to CEP817 and CEP917 (and maybe even CEP818)

GenAI in Teacher Education: A Technoskeptical Perspective

GenAI in Teacher Education: A Technoskeptical Perspective

Image created using Adobe Firefly & Adobe Photoshop, composed in Keynote by Punya Mishra  By Marie K. Heath and Punya Mishra Hello! This is a cross-blog post between Punya Mishra’s blog, where he plays with ideas of learning, technology, design and creativity...

How artists work

An interesting (and growing) collection of "habits, rituals and small (and occasionally big) methods people and teams use to get their work done. And in the specific anecdotes and the way people describe their own relationship to their own work." Kind of cool and...

TPACK survey, new journal article

Hot off the press: Schmidt, D. A., Baran, E., Thompson, A. D.,  Mishra, P.,  Koehler, M.J. & Shin, T. S. (2010). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): The development and validation of an assessment instrument for preservice teachers. Journal of...

Hard hat area…

I am working on changing the layout of my blog... so be prepared for sudden and abrupt changes (as well as possible downtimes). Apologies to all but it has been a while since I played with the layout and its been getting kinda boring around here...

Creativity and Mindfulness at Work

Creativity and Mindfulness at Work

The next article in our series around mindfulness, creativity, technology and learning focuses on the work of Dr. Erik Dane. (This is part of a larger series that we been working on now for almost 10 years for the journal TechTrends). The first article set the stage...

The beauty of randomness

The beauty of randomness

I have always been intrigued by the idea of how truly random our lives really are. Seemingly minor events can trigger effects, rippling through our lives, effects becoming causes, leading to profound changes and transformations. Ray Bradbury's short...


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