eduPUNKing a course website!!

by | Monday, January 11, 2010

I had written about the EduPunk movement earlier, in fact had even designed a logo for it.

A brief description of Edupunk can be found on Wikipedia (a google search will reveal many more). Wikipedia describes it as follows:

Edupunk is an approach to teaching and learning practices that result from a do it yourself (DIY) attitude. The New York Times defines it as “an approach to teaching that avoids mainstream tools like Powerpoint and Blackboard and instead aims to bring the rebellious attitude and D.I.Y. ethos of ’70s bands like The Clash to the classroom.”

Well, I am no expert on 70’s bands but the EduPunk title does appeal to me. It appeals to me because for the longest tie the main attraction of digital technology, to me, has been this DIY attitude, the fact that I can, over an evening or two, create a stop-motion movie with my kids (here or here), or mashup a commercial, or, in this case, create my own course website. The final product may not have the finish or sheen of a commercial product but it is in some key way “authentic.” It is mine. It embodies me, my sensibility, my approach, my vision in ways that other products can not.

For my entire tenure here at MSU I have constructed my own course-websites, cobbling them together with what I have often jokingly called “duct-tape and magic.” I have even written about this, long before the EduPunk moniker came along (see links at end of post). What I want to describe in this post are my current experiments (for my CEP817 Learning Technology by Design course) using using WordPress as a learning management system, and boy am I impressed!! [My partner in crime in this is Kristen Kereluik, a graduate student in our program.]

CEP817 is a course about design and it is important for us that this idea of design, this concern for aesthetics and usability, be reflected in the design of the site as well. The CEP817 site runs on servers maintained at the College of Education and maintained by the guru of everything, Ken Dirkin. This website runs on WordPress – the same software that runs this blog (though 817 has an independent installation). The design of the CEP817 site is based on a free site-template called blog.txt (designed by by Scott Allan Wallick). The blog.txt theme is an extremely simple theme and has been modified a bit to meet the vision we have for the course.

The site uses a range of images. All the icons are from Iconfinder, & Iconspedia two nifty resources full of license free artwork. Other images are either created by Kristen and/or myself or have been collated from the web. We have used pictures that have been made freely available by their creators (under creative commons) and in each case we have attempted to give credit to the creators.

One of the most powerful features of WordPress is that you can extend its functionality using plugins. Most of these plugins are available free of cost and we use a large number of plugins on this site for a variety of tasks that WordPress could not achieve by itself. A full list of plugins used on this site is given below.

  • Absolute privacy: This is an amazing plugin that allows me to protect the course website from the world by forcing users to register with their name and to choose a password. Users cannot login until approved by the instructors. Version 1.2 | By John Kolbert | Visit plugin site
  • Add Sig: This plugin allows us to add a actual digital signature to the bottom of posts. It picks the appropriate image file depending on who wrote the post. Very cool. Version 1.32 | By Dagon Design | Visit plugin site
  • Akismet: This is a great plugin in general but not much used on the 817 site, because for the most part we have comments turned off. Version 2.2.7 | By Matt Mullenweg | Visit plugin site
  • Authors Avatars list: This plugin helps display a list of users both on the sidebar (as a random picture) or as a list on a page. I see this as being critical for members of the classroom to feel a sense of community. Version 0.7.4 | By Benedikt Forchhammer, Idea: Paul Bearne | Visit plugin site
  • BM Custom Login: This is a fantastic plugin that allowed us to customize the WordPress login screen for CEP817. Students coming in will not see the typical “W” WordPress logo – but rather a very cool and different login screen. Laeeq had written recently on about the importance of first impressions and this plugin really lets us do that. Version 1.4 | By Ben Gillbanks | Visit plugin site
  • Current Date & Time Widget: A simple little widget that does just what it promises! Version 1.0.3 | By Chris Jean | Visit plugin site
  • Executable PHP Widget: This is similar to the text widget in WordPress but allows us to insert PHP code into a sidebar. We use this to create a customized welcome for class participants. Version 2.1 | By Otto | Visit plugin site
  • My Page Order: I use this plugin on this website as well. It allows us to set the order of pages through a drag and drop interface. The default method of setting the order page by page is extremely clumsy, especially with a large number of pages. Version 2.8.6 | By Andrew Charlton | Visit plugin site
  • Search Everything: Nice little plugin that adds search functionality without modifying any template page. IT searches pages as well as posts – something the existing search utility does not do. Version 6.3.1 | By Dan Cameron of Sprout Venture | Visit plugin site
  • Simple:Press Forum: This is maybe the most important plugin that we us. It is a fully featured but simple page-based forum that integrates extremely smoothly with WordPress. It takes on WordPress users (and their permissions) and sets them with a forum, private messaging,… the works. And all that with minimal fuss. In fact, I think it may actually be a bit more powerful than we need. Version 4.1.3 | By Andy Staines & Steve Klasen | Visit plugin site
  • User Photo: Allows users to associate photos with their accounts by accessing their “Your Profile” page. Uploaded images are resized to fit the dimensions specified on the options page; a thumbnail image is also generated. Version 0.9.4 | By Weston Ruter, Dave Wagner’s Dev Site | Visit plugin site
  • Viper’s Video Quicktags: Easily embed videos from various video websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, and Vimeo into your posts. Version 6.2.14 | By Viper007Bond | Visit plugin site

Well, the experiment continues, in fact it has just started, given today is the first day of the semester. At least for now, I am amazed at just how well and smoothly all these pieces work with each other. The proof of the pudding will of course be in the eating – as students enter the system and start pushing it around. I hope to continue reporting on my experiments and experiences so keep watching this space for updates!

Finally, some early articles related to EduPunk (though the word itself is never mentioned), that you may enjoy reading.

A version of this was cross-posted on the blog.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Contemplating creativity

Contemplating creativity

Photo/Image Credit: Punya Mishra Dr. Jonathon Plucker is an educational psychologist at Johns Hopkins University where he is the Julian C. Stanley Professor of Talent Development in the School of Education. He has received numerous recognitions for his work, including...


I often do an assignment with my students where they go looking for letterforms in nature. Leigh Wolf just sent me this link to which takes the same idea - but conceptualizes it on a global scale. Check out this example.

Summer Ball by Lupica

I picked up Summer Ball by Mike Lupica from Soham this evening, and ended up finishing it at one go (another excuse for not working on our AACTE presentation). Lupica writes sports novels for young adults and Summer Ball is a sequel to his previous best-seller Travel...

Students video premiere on

This just in. Leigh Wolf just informed me that a video created by three of her students this past summer accepted by AfterEd - a web-based video channel produced by EdLab at Teachers College, Columbia University. New content is published weekly, including news,...

MAET virtual help desk

Theresa Hamilton & Amy Gracik are two of our Technology Interns in Education. They are now part of a pilot project to offer software technology support to students in our MAET program. This help-desk available online at

Daily routines of creative people

A while ago I had blogged about a webpage that chronicles how "artists work" (see my posting here). Now I discovered a whole website devoted to it. Check out Daily Routines. They are all interesting to read and the common theme that jumps out, for the most part, is...

Dewey, back from the dead

I just got this email from the Cognitive Science program at MSU inviting me for their weekly cognitive forum. Turns out the speaker this week is someone called John Dewey! For a moment I thought Dewey was back with us 🙂 The title of his talk is "How do we know when...

Community Design Lab at Madison

Community Design Lab at Madison

One of the greatest pleasures of my work here at ASU (with the Office of Scholarship & Innovation) has been the work we have been doing with local school districts. Essentially we collaborate with partner districts and community organizations to develop...

Tactical creativity in sports

Tactical creativity in sports

Daniel Memmert is Professor and Executive Head of the Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics at the German Sport University Cologne. A lifelong sports player and enthusiast, Memmert’s research is at the intersection of human movement science, sport...


  1. Chante Pimpare

    Hi. Very interesting site. I found it on Yahoo. I will definately recommend it to my friends. Please keep up the great work.

  2. Buy Animals Farmville

    Hello. This is kind of an “unconventional” question , but have other visitors asked you how get the menu bar to look like you’ve got it? I also have a blog and am really looking to alter around the theme, however am scared to death to mess with it for fear of the search engines punishing me. I am very new to all of this …so i am just not positive exactly how to try to to it all yet. I’ll just keep working on it one day at a time Thanks for any help you can offer here.

  3. Janene Quinto

    Thats some great information there, very informative thanks.

  4. Inkjet Printer

    Saw your Blog bookmarked on Reddit. Nice Blog.

  5. Leprechauns Ireland

    Hey great website, I noticed your website when doing some research on how to develop my blog. I was just now inquiring which spam pluggin you utilize for comments as I get tons on my blog.

  6. Sara

    Thanks for sharing all the plugins. I am just starting to host wordpress on my own site and am especially interested in the Absolute Privacy plugin for use with students. Also, shared the link to Iconfinder on twitter! Awesome site!


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