
by | Monday, August 04, 2008

I just came across a rather different kind of news aggregator, at least compared to Google. The brainchild of Guy Kawasaki (ex-Apple evangelist and tech guru) you have to check out AllTop. This may actually become a regular destination for me.

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Design | Engineering | Good | Bad Design | Research | Teaching | Technology

A few randomly selected blog posts…



Just some visual wordplay that I have indulged in, just for the heck of it. Nothing really special, though I am partial to the "Explore, Create, Share" design. That was the motto of the MAET program at MSU that I directed for years.  Innovate 2 on Creativity...


How do you react to this flash animation? I don't know about you but it completely creeped me out. My reaction is almost visceral in its intensity... It is one thing to read an an article speaking to our fear of snakes and spiders that "Certainly there are certain...

The mathematical “i”

I guess 'tis the season of Math-Po's! Sue VanHattum, whose challenge started all this, commented on my recent Math-Po (Math-Po (Mathematical Poetry): Goldbach’s Conjecture) by providing an example of her own writing, a poem titled Imaginary Numbers Do the Trick. That...

Sketches of life

I have had a Wacom tablet for a while now but haven't really gotten down to playing with it... till a couple of days ago. I started with rough drawings / sketches of friends and family. Take a look and let me know what you think.... You can click on the images to see...

The story of stuff

Check out Story of Stuff or watch the movie... [youtube:] For the new version of CEP817 or maybe even CEP917

The OofSI/PI 2019 Report

The OofSI/PI 2019 Report

We are a busy group here up on the 4th floor of the Farmer Educational Building—the space where the teams from the Office of Scholarship & Innovation and Principled Innovation hang out. To be fair, we do more than just hang out. There is quite a bit of work...

TPACK Newsletter #2: Feb09 Edition

TPACK Newsletter, Issue #2: Special SITE conference issueLate February 2009 Welcome to the second edition of the TPACK Newsletter. If you are not sure what TPACK is, please feel free to surf over to to find out more. Gratuitous Quote about Technology...

Wimpy? Me? No way?

That's me, wimpified! (Well that's the best I could do). Can you do better? Go Wimp Yourself!!

Designing shared spaces, one example

Design is about engineering. It is about art. And most importantly it is about the psychology of individuals and groups and their interactions with artifacts. I am always on the lookout for examples of good (or bad) design. Sadly I too often come across the latter...

1 Comment

  1. leigh

    It’s also a great place to start when teaching RSS & blogs. When I was teaching this summer and didn’t have time to keep up with my feeds, Alltop kept me on top of things (pun intended.) I also find it useful for “fringe” interests.


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